This page will hold details of all of the decisions that are made under the scheme of delegation and the reasons for them.
Should anyone have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk on
Date | Decision Maker | Advice Taken From | Title | Decision | Full Report |
13th May 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/01090/EIA Land At Stubcroft Farm Wessex Avenue East Wittering West Sussex PO20 8NP EIA Screening Opinion in response to development of up to 320 no. residential dwellings along with public open space and new means of vehicular access onto Church Road. | Object: Earnley Parish Council fully supports East Wittering & Bracklesham Parish Councils call for a full Environmental Impact Assessment to be completed for this application which takes into consideration the cumulative effect of the additional three sites that are in the immediate vicinity on this application; if all these sites were built it would provide a yield of 650 new dwellings. In addition, we also support EWBPC request that an appropriate Assessment under regulation 61 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010), which takes into account the cumulative effects of all of the relevant developments currently in progress or awaiting determination takes place. | Report |
20th May 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | & 21/00813/FUL Poplars Farmhouse Batchmere Road Almodington Earnley PO20 7LD Internal adaptations, fenestration changes and demolition of existing store and link structure , to be replaced with a glazed link extension, construction of conservatory. | No Objection | Report |
20th May 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/01240/TCA Hedgehog Hall Bell Lane Earnley PO20 7JD Notification of intention to crown reduce by 2m (all round) and the crown thin by up to 10-15% (to take out weak and rubbing internal limbs) on 1 no. Box Elder tree (1). Crown lift by up to 2m (above ground level) and crown thin by up to 10-15% (to take out weak and rubbing internal limbs) on 1 no. Copper Beech tree (2). Crown reduce by 2m (all round) and crown lift by up to 3m (above ground level) - only removing limbs of 5cm or less in diameter on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (3). | No comment due to lack of direction from members. | Report |
20th May 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/0119/FUL 113 Second Avenue Almodington Earnley PO20 7LF Erection of 2 no. 3 bed bungalows - alternative to planning permission - E/18/00578/FUL for change of use to 2 no. dwellings and external works. | No comment due to lack of direction from members. | Report |
20th May 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/00865/FUL Land South Of 102A First Avenue First Avenue Almodington Replacement workshop building along with associated hard standing. | No comment due to lack of direction from members. | Report |
20th May 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/01311/TCA Earnley Forge Bell Lane PO20 7HZ Notification of intention to remove eastern stem (leaning onto outbuilding) on 1 no. Lombardy Poplar tree (quoted as T4). | No objection to application | Report |
26th May 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/01466/ELD Tykes Farm Barn Somerley Lane Earnley East Wittering PO20 7JB Erection of 2 no. outbuildings comprising of a garage and workshop | No comment as the buildings had been in place for a number of years and had not been noticed | Report |
9th June 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/01171/DOM Pigeon Mead House Earnley Manor Close Earnley PO20 7JQ Proposed single storey side extension to form annexe. | Guidance from Cllrs is to make no objection to the application | Repor |
5th August 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | BI/21/01830/OUT Land Off Main Road Birdham Outline planning application for up to 150 dwellings (including 30% affordable housing) with community park, public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point. All matters reserved except for means of access. | To support Birdham Parish Councils objection to the application | Report |
13th August 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/02109/PNO3R Land South Of 101/102 First Avenue First Avenue Batchmere Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to a flexible use within Shops (Class A1), Financial and Professional Services (Class A2), Restaurants and Cafes (Class A3), Business (Class B1), Storage or Distribution (Class B8), Hotels (Class C1) or Assembly and Leisure (Class D2). | To make no comment as insufficient guidance had been received from Cllrs to formulate a response. | Report |
14th December 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/03365/PNO Hundredsteddle Farm Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7BL Proposed grain and machinery store Please note that although the application lists the site at Hundredsteddle Lane it is actually adjacent to Tile Barn Lane and Bracklesham Lane B2198) | The application will dominate the street scene due to it scale and isolated location, and will be detrimental to Hundredsteddle Cottage to the Northeast of the proposed development. In addition, the proposal will be detrimental to the adopted view from the Somerely Conservation Area and mask the view from the Public Right Way number 13 and disrupt the long view of the South Downs. The application is also contrary to the Local Plan Policies 32, 45 47 and 48. | Report |
16th December 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/03314/DOM and 21/03315/LBC Earnley Grange, Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7JS Single storey timber oranger | Following the consultation with the councillors it was the clerk decision to make no comment. | Report |
16th December 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/03320/PLD Grange Farm, Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7JS Proposed lawful development - infilling of the attached open-fronted cart barn and various alterations to property's fenestratio | Following consultation with the parish councillors it is the view of the clerk that there are no grounds for objection on this application. | Report |
16th December 2021 | Clerk | Councillors | 21/01792/DOM Pippins, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JG New front porch, two storey side extension, exterior remodelling, adjustments to main roof to include thermal upgrade with increased ridge height, dormers and new roof finish. Substitute Plans submitted | To maintain the Parish Councils objection as the revised plans had not significantly addressed the Parish Councils concerns about the scale of the development, however, removal of the two south-facing windows is welcomed | Report |
30th August 2022 | Clerk | Councillors | 22/01966-LBC & 22/01965/DOM Flint Place Bookers Lane PO20 7JG Rear single storey extension, replacement conservatory and replacement garage. Internal alterations. Associated landscaping. | Insufficient responses received to make an informed decision. | Report |
30th August 2022 | Clerk | Councillors | 22/01975/TCA Hedgehog Hall, Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JD Notification of intention to crown reduce by 2m (all round) on 3 no. Oak trees (quoted as 1, 2 & 3). | Following guidance from the councillors it was my opinion that if the council reviewed this application they would make no comment. | Report |
30th August 2022 | Clerk | Councillors | 22/01883/TCA The Manor House, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JL Notification of intention to crown reduce by up to 4m to south, south-east and south-west sectors, reduce 1 no. limb by up to 4m on west sector (at 4m height) and crown lift by 2m (above building roof level) to east sector on 1 no. Holm Oak tree (T1), fell 4 no. Lombardy Poplar trees (T2, T3,T4 & T8), 5 no. Leylandii trees (T5 & G1), 1 no. Holm Oak tree (T6), 2 no. Hybrid Poplar trees (T7 & T9), 1 no. Elm tree (T7a), reduce 1 no. limb by up to 7m on west sector (at 3m height), reduce 1 no. limb by up to 7m on west sector, reduce remaining crown back to previous pruning points and mid/upper crown by 5m on east sector (at 4m height) on 1 no. Eucalyptus tree (T10) and height reduce by 5m, reduce by up to 4m on north sector, up to 5m on east sector and crown lift to 6m (above ground level) on north sector on 1 no. Lime tree (T11) | Following guidance from the councillors it was my opinion that if the council reviewed this application, they would make no comment. | Report |
30th August 2022 | Clerk | Councillors | 22/00922/DOM and 22/00923/LBC Sparrow Cottage Bell Lane Earnley PO20 7HZ Replacement single/double glazed windows and doors | Following guidance from the councillors it was my opinion that if the council reviewed this application they would make an objection. | Report |
30th August 2022 | Clerk | Councillors | SI/22/01739/PLD Field East Of Easton Farm Easton Lane Sidlesham West Sussex Siting of 20 no. mobile homes for occupation by seasonal farm workers | Although the Parish Council is aware that there is limited accommodation for seasonal agricultural workers the consensus is that the site is in an unsustainable location. The application makes no reference to parking of vehicles or recreational transport services for the residents of the caravans therefore it would appear that they would have to walk to access any services. Easton Lane is in places a single track road, and the entire length has no pavements, lighting and tight bends, in addition, there are no pavements or street lighting in the wider area. The nearest shop is a small convenience store in Birdham which is approximately a four kilometre walk, there is no convenient public bus service the nearest bus stop for the 52/53 route is also almost a four kilometre walk which would result in the residents of this site being isolated. The proposed mobile homes are very wide and the lanes to get them to the site are very narrow with tight blind bends and we are concerned that the surrounding road network is unsuitable for the delivery of the mobile homes. The applicant makes no reference to foul water disposal and the parish council requests confirmation that consultation with either Southern Water or the Environment Agency has taken place prior to this application being permitted. Although the applicant states “There must be a functional and temporal connection between the employment of the person and a seasonable requirement for the person to be employed by the farming operation.” As we understand it the legislation allows for individuals who primarily work ON THAT SITE to be housed and there is concern that the site could become an accommodation hub for other sites within the applicant’s group. | Report |
24th July 2023 | Clerk | Councillors | 23/01577/DOM Cheraw Nursery, 134 Almodington Lane, Almodington, PO20 7JR Replace garage and store for new garage, store and home gym | All information received from the councillors indicated that no comment was required. | Report |
31st July 2023 | Clerk | Councillors | 23/01507/DOM 4 Church Cottages, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JL Replace existing single glazed timber windows with double glazed timber windows and amend window design. | Information received from councillors gave me appropriate guidance to enable me to make a decision to make no objection to the application. | Report |
31st July 2023 | Clerk | Councillors | 23/01480/FUL 107 First Avenue Almodington Batchmere PO20 7LQ Continued use of land for the stationing of a historic railway carriage for use as a holiday let | Information received from councillors gave me appropriate guidance to enable me to make a decision to make no objection to the application. | Report |
31st July 2023 | Clerk | Councillors | BI/23/01497/OUT Land Off Main Road Birdham PO20 7HU Outline planning application for up to 150 dwellings (including 30% affordable housing) with community park, public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point. All matters reserved except for means of access. | This application is not significantly different to the previous application submitted for this site. The Parish Council had objected to this application. Information received from councillors gave me appropriate guidance to enable me to make a decision to make no objection to the application and submit the comment submitted for the previous application. | Report |
16th November 2023 | Clerk | Councillors | To carry out emergency works on tree that has fallen from the land owned by the Elysium Trust Ltd Charity Number 1164296 and was restricting the flow of ditch on Bookers Lane | Due to the weather forecasts of further rain, it is my view that this work should be carried out to prevent further flooding of the highway and potential flooding to properties up stream of the fallen tree. Although the landowner should clear the tree, I have not had any success in making contact with the owners of this field since the closure of the Earnley Concourse Charity in 2011. This field was not sold as part of the concourse development land and is still registered as held by the Elysium Foundation Ltd (Charity No: 1164296) further efforts will be made to contact representatives of this charity. | Report |