Schedule of Meetings

The Parish Council holds six ordinary meetings throughout the year.  In addition there are three committees which meet at varying intervals throughout the year.

In this section you can view past Agendas and Minutes and view dates and Agendas for upcoming meetings by clicking on the links in the tables below.  Please note that all minutes are in draft form until approved by the Council at the subsequent Parish Council meeting.

Planning Committee Meetings will commence at 18.45 at Bracklesham Barn unless advertised to the contrary. Full Council will commence at 19.15 or immediately following the Planning Committee

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2024

Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutesSupporting Papers
Mon 22nd Jan, 2024Full Council Meeting Download Download Agenda Item 08.24 Payment Schedule
 Agenda Item 08.24(3) Grant Applications
 Agenda Item 08.24(4) Financial Statement
Mon 25th Mar, 2024Full Council Meeting Download Download Agenda Item 18.24(6) Biodiversity Policy
 Agenda Item 21.24(2) Payment Schedules
 Agenda Item 21.24(3) Financial Statements
 Agenda Item 22.24(9) BREW Vision Document
 Agenda Item 21.24(5) End of year virements
Mon 20th May, 2024Full Council Meeting
Annual General Meeting
 Download Download
 Agenda Item 33.24 (6) Replacement Legal Topic Note
 Agenda Item 34.24 (6) Replacement Financial Regulations
 Agenda Item 40.24(2) Payment Schedule
 Agenda Item 40.24(3) Financial Statement
 Agenda Item 40.24(8) Annual Governance Statement
 Agenda Item 40.24(9) Accounting Statement
 Agenda Item 40.24(10) Additional Information to be Submitted
 Agenda Item 40.24(12) End of Year Accounts
 Agenda Item 40.24(20) Financial Risk Assessment
 Agenda Item 40.24(7) Annual Internal Audit Report
 Agenda Item 40.24(11) Notice of Public Rights
 Agenda Item 40.24(18) Direct Debit Statement
 Agenda Item 42.24(4) Noticeboard and Bench Project
 Agenda Item 42.24(5) Bike Rack and Base Project
Mon 29th Jul, 2024Full Council Meeting Download Download Agenda 51.24(6) Discretions Policy Template
 Agenda Item 54.24(2) Payment Schedules
 Agenda Item 54.24 (3) Finance Statement
 Agenda Item 68.24(4) Transparency Act
 Agenda Item 54.24(7) Asset Register
 Agenda Item 55.24(8) Southern Water
Mon 23rd Sep, 2024Full Council Meeting Download Download Agenda Item 67.24 (2) Payment Schedules
 Agenda Item 67.24 (3) Financial Statements
 Agenda Item 67.24 (8) Chichester Infrastructure Business Plan
Mon 25th Nov, 2024Full Council Meeting Download Download (unconfirmed) Agenda Item 80.24(2) Payments schedule
 Agenda Item 80.24 (3) Financial Statements
 Agenda Item 80.24 (7) Budget preparation