Community Infrastructure Levy funding is associated with the building of residential dwellings, which comprises of one or more dwelling.  Affordable housing and self-build housing qualifies for 100% relief from CIL.  As Earnley Parish Council does not have a neighbourhood plan it is entitled to receive 15% of the CIL Allocation for development in the parish.  CIL monies are collected from the Developer when the work commences on the site, however, it can be paid to the District Council in instalments throughout the development.  The Parish Council allocation is received from Chichester District Council every six months on 28th April and 28th October.

Any funds spent erroneously will need to be handed back the District Council.  Additionally, any funds which are not spent within five years must also be handed back to the District Council.   CIL funds are subject to the same financial requirements for financial management and auditing as all monies the Parish Council receive and spend as detailed in the Local Government Act 1972 and the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011.

At its meeting on 23rd November 2022, Earnley Parish Council resolved to form a working party to consider the priorities for the spending of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) income and the formation of business plan to support these priorities.  The Terms of Reference for the working party will be attached to this page once they have been adopted by the Parish Council.

Although the work party meetings are not held in public the papers associated with the working party will be published for Transparency.   The working party does not have a budget or a power to spend.

Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutesSupporting Documents
Mon 23rd Jun, 2025Community Infrastructure Levy Working PartyNA
Mon 24th Feb, 2025Community Infrastructure Levy Working PartyNA
Mon 24th Jun, 2024Community Infrastructure Levy Working Party DownloadNA
Mon 26th Feb, 2024Community Infrastructure Levy Working Party
 Download DownloadView All
Mon 30th Oct, 2023Business Plan & Community Infrastructure Working Party Download DownloadView All
Mon 26th Jun, 2023Business Plan & Community Infrastructure Working Party
Mon 24th Apr, 2023Business Plan & Community Infrastructure Working Party
Mon 27th Feb, 2023Business Plan & Community Infrastructure Working Party Download DownloadView All
Wed 18th Jan, 2023Business Plan & Community Infrastructure Working Party Download DownloadView All
Download: CIL AMR 2020 2021 - Earnley Parish Council (28 KB)
Download: Earnley PC AMR 2022 2023 (33 KB)