The Council documents listed below are available to view by clicking on the links.

Council Constitution, Procedure & Governance


Risk Assessment

Physical Assets (Outdoor) Owned by Parish Council

Office Risk Assessment

litter picking risk assessment

Financial Risk Assessment and Insurance Review – adopted 6th May 2020

Financial Risk Assessment Annexe 1 – adopted 6th May 2020





 Register of Members Interest

As required by Section 30 of the Localism Act 2011, members of  Earnley Parish Council are required to complete the Register of Members Interests, the original documents signed by the Councillors are held by the Monitoring Officer at Chichester District Council.  The completed Register is available for inspection at the Parish Council meetings.  Please find below a summary of the Register for your information.

Councillors are not able to participate or vote on matters which are included in their register of interests unless they have applied for dispensation from the Proper Officer or Full Council.