Are you responsible for the ditch adjacent to your property? This workshop may be of interest

The Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group are running a workshop on Saturday 8th February from 10.00am – 1.00pm on Ditch Assessment at Sidlesham Church Hall, Church farm Lane, Sidlesham.  Pete King of the Rivers Trust will be giving a presentation on how to assess ditches and waterways for their biodiversity potential, specifically for water voles, and how this can be measured.  This will be followed by a practical session looking at a ditch in Church Farm Lane where participants can ask questions in the field and get experience.


Ditches and waterways are a large linked habitat on the Manhood Peninsula and their care and upkeep is not just of benefit to wildlife but increasingly to people as more frequent flooding events take place.  Well maintained ditches, ponds and rifes allow water to flow away to the sea, prevent flooding and provide a stable and important home to many species, including the fast declining water vole.  By carrying out ditch assessment work, problem areas can be identified and so can be targeted for future maintenance and improvement.


This workshop will be useful to riparian landowners and managers, parish councillors and wildlife enthusiasts.


If you would like to attend this event please contact me on so that I can ensure that there are sufficient refreshments for everyone to enjoy and enough leaflets and information handouts.