Earnley Parish Council has been concerned by the state of the lower section of the footpath along Bell Lane. The verges have encroached onto the path making it difficult to safely walk along this busy road. The greatest concern is the difficulty in manoeuvring a children’s pushchair up as far as the Bell Inn.

West Sussex Highways Department do have its clearance on their maintenance schedule, but with such a low priority that in these times of austerity they will not be able to allocate clearing resources in the foreseeable future.

However, Earnley Parish Council have been liaising with the West Sussex County Council Community Volunteers Project to clear the pavement. Bell Lane residents, and pavement users are invited to assist in the clearing on Friday 19th February 2016.

The Community Volunteers Project will provide a Land Rover to act as a safety vehicle, as well as some tools. The plan is to scrape back the verges and cut back overhanging vegetation as required and dump the arising on the wide verge near the bus shelter, to await collection. If you could come prepared with a wheelbarrow and spade it will be a great help.

Chris Charter, from Earnley Mill, is coordinating and will provide details nearer the time. It is anticipated that work will start by 1000. Even a few hours help will be much appreciated. Chris is available at

We hope you will be able to come along or even send a teenage pavement user, as it is half term week!