RSPB Events for MARCH 2020

PRINSTEAD/NUTBOURNE                            Tuesday 10 March

Morning Bird Walk on Nutbourne Marsh with Carole Griffiths of the RSPB. Meet end of Prinstead Lane, Map Ref: SZ766051 at 10.00 am.                              01243 262833


ARUNDEL                                          Saturday 21 March

Morning Bird Walk around The Dover with David Hart of the RSPB Chichester Local Group. Meet at far end of the lane, Map Ref: SU061064 at 9.30 am                         01243 262833


CHICHESTER                                     Thursday 26 March

Illustrated Talk by Ken Panchen on ‘Birds of Ethiopia’ to the RSPB Chichester Local Group at The Pallant Suite, Masonic Hall, South Pallant, Chichester at 7.30 pm.

Entrance members £2-50/visitors £5-00                01243 262833                   wheelchair access