RSPB Events for OCTOBER 2019

PAGHAM                                 Saturday 12 October 

All Day Bird Walk around Pagham Lagoon and North Walls and with Roger Morris of the RSPB Chichester Local Group. Meet in Church Lane, PO21 4NU at 10.00 am,                    

Map Ref: SZ880976                 01243 262833


CHICHESTER                           Thursday 24 October

Illustrated Talk by Glenn Duggan on “Birding in Panama” to the RSPB at The Pallant Suite, Masonic Hall, South Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1SY at 7.30 pm.

Entrance members £2-50/visitors £5             01243 262833             wheelchair access


CHIDHAM                               Saturday 26 October 

All Day Bird Walk around Chidham and Cobnor Point with Carole Griffiths of the RSPB Chichester Local Group. Meet in sunken lane car park at 10.00 am,

Map Ref: SU793034

01243 262833