The England Coast Path

Work is underway on the England Coast Path – a new long distance National Trail around the whole of England’s coast which will give people the opportunity to access and enjoy some of our most diverse and stunning landscapes. Natural England are starting work on the stretch in this area and would like to invite you to one of our drop in sessions so that you can find out more and share your views on this exciting project.

East Head to Shoreham-by-Sea
Natural England have  recently started work to identify where the Coast Path between East Head and Shoreham-by-Sea will be aligned and aim to open this stretch of the Coast Path in 2018. This will become part of a continuous coastal route in the area, joining up with the other stretches that are also currently being worked on around Portsmouth, Langstone and Chichester Harbours.

There will be a full consultation with local interests during the development of the route. Please come and learn more about the England Coast Path and share your views with us at these public drop-in sessions in your area. We look forward to seeing you there.

You can find out more about the England Coast Path and progress in the rest of Sussex and Hampshire at and for more information on the drop in sessions please use this link

Contact the Coastal Access Team at