West Sussex County Council Election – Candidates Event

West Sussex County Council, in collaboration with the Local Government Association (LGA), will be hosting an event for candidates considering standing for the County Council elections on 4 May 2017. 

The event will take place on Monday 27 February 2017 between 6pm-8.45pm at County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ. The programme for this event is attached (please note registration opens at 5.30pm).

The purpose of the event is to provide prospective candidates with information on the role of elected members and an opportunity to meet with senior officers and members of the Council.  There will also be a workshop session led by the LGA on how to be an effective councillor.

Places for this event are limited and those wishing to attend are strongly advised to register their place by 22nd February.  You can do this online by going to the website below (which includes a map showing the location of County Hall):


Parking will be available on the County Hall site from 5.15pm onwards.

If you are unable to attend the event but would like to receive a delegate pack, please contact Amanda Drinkwater, Democratic Services on 033022 22521, or via email on: