Earnley Parish Council first adopted a parish plan in 2016 and this has now been superseded by plan that covers 2022 – 2027 which was adopted by the Parish Council on 24th January 2022.
The objectives have been reviewed and updated. The Parish Council will regularly review its progress being made against each objective.
This document assists the Parish Council when considering planning applications and guides the council on the priorities of the residents.
Parish Plan Objectives 2022-2027
Objective 1. To encourage people to drive within the speed limits and facilitate measures to reduce the volume of traffic within Earnley Parish.
- Consult with West Sussex County Council Highways Team, Chichester District Council, Sussex Police and traffic consultants as necessary to establish the most appropriate traffic calming solutions.
- Work with West Sussex County Council Highways Team to discourage HGV traffic from using Almodington Lane and Bookers Lane to access the Witterings
- Investigate modifications to signage on the road network
- Encourage random police speed monitoring and enforcement.
- Continue use of Speed Indicator Device camera use.
- Encourage and facilitate the formation of Speed Watch Groups
Objective 2. To support appropriate housing development and land use in Earnley and to object to inappropriate housing development and land use.
- a) Constantly monitor planning applications to ensure they comply with Local/Neighbourhood Plans and Conservation Area Plans.
- b) Monitor all planning applications to ensure the rural nature of the parish is maintained.
- c) Provide supportive comments, rather than ‘no objection’ to planning applications that maintain the rural nature of the Parish.
- d) To oppose large/inappropriate housing developments or land use in Earnley and other Manhood parishes, where there is a potential adverse impact to Earnley Parish.
Objective 3. To work towards the best possible flood risk reduction from all sources including sewage inundation within Earnley Parish.
- a) Work with Southern Water, West Sussex County Council, Chichester District Council (land drainage) and the Environment Agency, including on improvement projects and their funding. This is to include assisting with funding and community awareness and reporting.
- b) To encourage residents and landowners to maintain their watercourses.
- c) To ensure residents report instances of blocked watercourses, e.g. by fly-tipping.
Objective 4. To work with other agencies and residents to maintain and improve the natural environment and increase biodiversity.
- Work towards and encourage the maintenance and improvements trees and hedgerows
- Work towards and encourage the maintenance and improvements ponds and open spaces.
- To establish litter picking, ditch clearance and other environmental projects groups
- Work with Manhood & Wildlife Heritage Trust
- Maintain a web-based reporting system to allow residents to identify issues and problems in the parish
Objective 5. To encourage the provision of pathways/cyclepaths and transport links that meet the needs of residents
- Work with other agencies to look to introduce or improve footpaths and cycle routes that link to centres of employment.
- Investigate the possibility of establishing regular minibus runs to service local villages
Objective 6. To encourage community involvement and establish community volunteer groups within all areas of Earnley Parish
- To work with and assist any residents’ groups with their local agenda where appropriate
- To consult regularly with residents to discuss future projects
Objective 7. To investigate the possibility of creating a parish focal point or village hall
- a) To identify an appropriate site or place as a focal point/ village hall where parish matters can take place, e.g. parish meetings, polling station. This is in collaboration with other groups and organisations active within the Parish.
Reference Documents 2022-2027
Parish Plan 2016-2021
Earnley Parish Council adopted its original Parish Plan on 20th April 2016.
Reference Documents:
- Consultation Analysis Report, October 2015
- Housing Needs Survey, February 2014
- Earnley & Somerley Conservation Area Plan, May 2013
- Chichester District Council Local Plan, adopted by Chichester District Council on 15th July 2015
- Census 2011