Earnley Parish Council plays an active part in local planning issues.  It is probably the area of the Council’s role that is best known to the community and which can be of the most importance to residents of the Parish.

If your organisation is considering submitting a large scale application in the Parish Earnley Parish Council would welcome early engagement with you and your team.  The Parish Council hopes that by engaging with potential applicants that the residents aspirations are incorporated in the application at an early stage.  The Parish Council has adopted a protocol for engaging with developers.  Please contact the clerk at to arrange a pre-application meeting.

If you wish to access current applications you can view them by clicking on the link below.

To view any other planning applications follow this link: http://www.chichester.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=5427

App. NoLocationProposal
24/02826/DOCEarnley Concourse Clappers Lane Earnley PO20 7JNDischarge of conditions 8 (foul drainage) 9 (surface water drainage) 10 ( contamination phase 1)and 13 (SUDs) from planning permssion 19/02493/OUT - APP/l3815/W/20/3255383
24/02935/DOCLand South Of Clappers Lane Clappers Lane EarnleyDischarge of conditions 6 (Windows and doors) 7 (SUDs) and 8 (footpath link) from planning permission E/23/02916/REM.
24/02818/PA3MALand Rear Of Almodington Lane Almodington Earnley PO20 7JRChange the existing retail unit to 1 no. dwelling, under the provisions of Part 20, Class MA.
24/02832/PA3R101C First Avenue Almodington Batchmere PO20 7LQ Prior Approval for change of use of agricultural building to class E.
BI/24/02496/PA6ABECarthagena Farm Bell Lane BirdhamExtension to existing 1 no. agricultural building
24/02368/ELDMillside, Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JDUse of land for stationing of a caravan for residential purposes unconnected with the main
24/02143/ELDMillside, Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JDExisting lawful development certificate for the use of timber building behind bungalow as a separate dwellinghouse.
24/01980/FUL107 First Avenue, Almodington, Batchmere, PO20 7LQCessation of storage uses and erection of 1 no. storage building
24/02038/TCAByre Cottage, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLNotification of intention to fell 1 no. Sycamore tree (T1)
https://publicaccess.chichester.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=SHJMWTERKBQ00Earnley Concourse, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JNApplication for all reserved matters (Access - internal circulation routes, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) for 30 dwellings with associated access, open space, car parking, landscaping and related works. The application also seeks the Discharge of Conditions 5 (CEMP), 6 (LEMP), 8 (Foul drainage), 9 (Drainage), 10 (Contamination - Phase 1), 13 (SuDS), 14 (Ecology), 20 (Travel Plan) and 21 (Homeowners Pack) of outline approval E/19/02493/OUT (APP/L3815/W/20/3255383).
24/01722/FULEarnley Place Clappers Lane EarnleyDemolition of an existing garden pavilion, and the construction of a detached dwelling, new vehicular access, landscaping and associated works
24/01636/OBGLand South of Clappers Lane, Clappers Lane, EarnleyDischarge of obligation schedule 1 part 2 paragraph 3.1 of the S106 agreement dated 12/07/2022 (Planning ref: E/20/03125/OUT).
24/01507/ELDSouthern Counties Tractors, Almodington Lane, Almodington, PO20 7JRExisting lawful development - use of building for retail sales [Class E(a)
24/01206/FULLand at Medmerry Reserve, Stoney Lane, EarnleyEnvironmental art piece (1 no. periwinkle woven willow structure on a hardstanding base) as part of a new art trail installation on the Medmerry Reserve
24/01466/FULBatchmere Workshops First Avenue Almodington BatchmereSingle storey detached storage building
24/00940/FULHundredsteddle Farm Hundredsteddle Lane BirdhamStaff accommodation (static caravan) for a seasonal agricultural worker
24/01044/FULEIALand At Stubcroft Farm Stubcroft Lane East Wittering PO20 8PJChange use of agricultural land to public open space
24/01005/FULEIALand At Stubcroft Farm Stubcroft Lane East Wittering PO20 8PJErection of 268 no. residential dwellings (including affordable housing), associated highway and landscape works, open space and flexible retail and community floorspace (Use Classes E and F).
24/01004/OUTEIALand At Stubcroft Farm Stubcroft Lane East WitteringOutline application (with all matters reserved except for Access) for the construction of sheltered living accommodation.
24/01036/TCAEarnley Cottage Bell Lane EarnleyNotification of intention to re-pollard (back to original pollard points) to approx. 2.5m (above ground level) on 2 no. Crack Willow trees (quoted as T1 & T2).
24/00057/FUL113 Second Avenue, Batchmere, PO20 7LFErection of 2 no. 3 bed bungalows - alternative to planning permission E/21/01119/FUL
23/02916/REMLand South of Clappers Lane, Clappers Lane, EarnleyApplication for reserved matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) details and approval of Conditions 13 (Sustainable Design and Construction Statement) and 19 (Landscaping details) of outline permission E/20/03125/OUT, for the erection of up to 100 dwellings with associated access, landscaping and public open space.
EWB/24/00750/FULDownview Recreation Ground Stocks Lane East WitteringRemoval of existing skate park and relocation of new skate park with associate works.
24/00629/PA3Q105 First Avenue, Almodington, Batchmere, PO20 7LQChange of use of existing agricultural building to 1 no. dwelling
24/00468/ELDHundredsteddle Farm Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham PO20 7BLExisting lawful development certificate for the continued use of caravan to accommodate a seasonal agricultural worker
24/00634/DOMEarnley Place, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLDemolition of existing modern side extension and replacement extension to east elevation to form boot-room
24/00630/LBCEarnley Place, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLDemolition of existing modern side extension and replacement extension to east elevation to form boot-room
24/00382/PA6ABEHundredsteddle Farm Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham PO20 7BLUpgrading of existing farm track to enable farm vehicles to travel between the farm buildings.
24/00266/REMApproval of Reserved Matters following planning permission 20/02491/OUT, relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 70 no. dwellingsLand To The West Of Church Road Church Road West Wittering PO20 8FJ
24/00280/FUL130 Almodington Lane, Almodington PO20 7JUErection of 1 no. dwelling, demolition of 1 no. building (alternative to permission 223/00989/PA3Q)
24/00154/FULBlackthorn Barn, 101B First Avenue, Almodington, Batchmere, PO20 7LQ
Extension of residential curtilage and retention of pergola and summerhouse.
24/00057/FUL113 Second Avenue BatchmereErection of 2 no. 3 bed bungalows - alternative to planning permission E/21/01119/FUL
23/02/0706/FULEarnley Grange Almodington Lane AlmodingtonProposed installation of 117 ground mounted solar panels including cabling trenches at 0.5m
23/02916/REMLand South Of Clappers Lane, Clappers Lane, EarnleyApplication for reserved matters (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) details and approval of Conditions 13 (Sustainable Design and Construction Statement) and 19 (Landscaping details) of outline permission E/20/03125/OUT, for the erection of up to 100 dwellings with associated access, landscaping and public open space
24/00066/FUL111 Second Avenue, Batchmere, PO20 7LFChange of use of garage to a flexible use as a annex or as a 1 bed holiday let.
23/02647/TCAJasmine Cottage, Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7HZNotification of intention to fell 1 no. Scots Pine
23/01967/FULEIAMedmerry Park, Stoney Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JPHybrid Planning Application - Phases 1 (Full Application) demolition, redevelopment and
refurbishment of Medmerry Park to provide 124 no. holiday lodges, wetland area, two lakes, amenity lake
and beach, central village hub, boathouse, childrens play and picnic area, adventure playground, adventure
golf, padel tennis, beachside pool, tennis courts, playing field and dog park, back of house maintenance
area, associated landscaping, drainage facilities, car parking, access roads and habitat enhancement
areas. Outline planning application for further phases for an additional/replacement 184 no. holiday lodges
and associated works (with all reserved matters accept Access and Layout).
23/02147/DOMTykes Farm Barn Somerley Lane Earnley PO20 7JBErection of detached garage and store.
23/02466/FULMillside, Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JDDemolition of 2 no. dwellings and removal of 1 no. mobile home and erection of 3 no. dwellinghouses, parking and cart barn.
23/02215/FULBatchmere Lodge, 95 First Avenue, Almodington, Batchmere, PO20 7LQChange of use of former stable building to 1 no. holiday let
23/02272/FUL114 Second Avenue, Batchmere, PO20 7LFDemolition of existing outbuilding and construction of annexe and garage/store to be used in connection with 114 Second Avenue alongside associated works.
23/02286/FUL127 Third Avenue BatchmereChange of use of outbuilding to 1 no 2 bed holiday let
23/01997/DOMEarnley Place Clappers Lane Earnley Chichester West Sussex PO20 7JLDetached triple garage with ancillary accommodation above.
23/02338/PA1AAlmodington Lane, Almodington, PO20 7JRSingle storey extension to the rear (a) rear extension - 4.60m (b) maximum height - 2.70m (c) height of eaves - 2.50m
23/01994/DOMEarnley Place, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLCladding of existing single storey extension to west elevation including fenestration changes, demolition of link and provision of replacement glazed link, alterations to boundary walling, external steps and gate
23/01995/LBCEarnley Place, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLCladding of existing single storey extension to west elevation including fenestration changes, demolition of link and provision of replacement glazed link, alterations to boundary walling, external steps and gate
23/01317/DOMThe Hermitage, Batchmere Road, Almodington, PO20 7LDDemolition of existing single-storey rear extension replaced with two-story rear extension.
23/02155/DOMFlint Place, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JGRear single storey extension, replacement conservatory and replacement garage. Internal alterations. Associated landscaping - variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission E/22/01965/DOM for repositioning of the replacement garage and materials changes.
23/02151/LBCFlint Place Bookers Lane Earnley PO20 7JGRear single storey extension, replacement conservatory and replacement garage. Internal alterations. Associated landscaping - Variation of Condition 2 of listed building consent E/22/01966/LIS - Amendments to replacement garage materials along with the repositioning.
23/02038/LBCEarnley Place, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLInternal alterations including reconfiguration of layout with removal of stud walls and relocation of basement stairs. Demolishment of single storey aspect on east elevation. Removal of 1 no. ground floor window, reinstatement of 1 no. door and alterations to first floor window on west elevation. Restoration of garden wall.
23/02040/LBCEarnley Place, Clappers Lane, Earnley PO20 7JLSwimming pool, associated hardstanding and access gate
23/02039/DOMEarnley Place, Clappers Lane, Earnley PO20 7JLSwimming pool, associated hardstanding and access gate
23/01576/FULGreenacres, Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7LA1 no. single storey extension (to form new meeting room) and 1 no. single storey extension
(to form new kitchenette and the addition of 1 no. of toilet in existing kitchenette /toilet area), to existing
23/01769/DOMBlackthorn Barn, 101B First Avenue, Almodington, PO20 7LQPartial retrospective application for retention of pergola and erection of summerhouse for
home office use
23/01256/DOM1 Manhood Cottages, Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley,
PO20 7LA
Proposed annex in rear garden
23/01789/TCAThe Manor House, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLNotification of intention to fell 1 no. Ash tree (T1) and 2 no. Leylandi trees (T3 and T4).
Crown reduce by up to 8m on 1 no. Poplar tree (T2)
23/01683/FULEarnley Gardens, Almodington, Earnley, ChichesterDemolition of existing property (buildings 1-13) and construction of 5 no. dwellings with
ancillary garages - (variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission E/20/03289/FUL for of garage plot 1 to
create habitable accommodation with alterations to location, size and changes to fenestration.
23/01687/PA3QBookers Barn, Bookers Lane, EarnleyPrior Approval for change of use of agricultural building to 1 no. dwelling house
23/01480/FUL107 First Avenue Almodington Batchmere PO20 7LQContinued use of land for the stationing of a historic railway carriage for use as a holiday let
23/01507/DOM4 Church Cottages, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLReplace existing single glazed timber windows with double glazed timber windows and amend window design.
23/01497/OUTLand Off Main Road Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7HUOutline planning application for up to 150 dwellings (including 30% affordable housing) with community park, public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point. All matters reserved except for means of access.
23/01577/DOMCheraw Nursery, 134 Almodington Lane, Almodington, PO20 7JRReplace garage and store for new garage, store and home gym
23/01294/LBCThe Hermitage, Batchmere Road, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7LDDemolition of existing single-storey rear extension replaced with two-story rear extension.
23/01373/FULLand rear of 114 Second Avenue, Batchmere, PO20 7LFRetrospective application for 1 no. tennis court and associated fencing
23/01604/FULLand South Of Tranjoeen Bracklesham Lane Bracklesham Bay PO20 7JEChange of use of land as a travellers caravan site consisting of 3 no. pitches and associated
23/01134/FULRuss Autos 132A Almodington Lane Almodington EarnleyReplacement commercial building - Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission E/20/01454/FUL - modification of the design of the approved building.
EWB/23/00505/DOM8 Clappers Lane Bracklesham West Sussex PO20 8JBDemolish existing garage/workshop, conservatory and porch. Rear single storey extension and side 2 storey extension. New front porch and rear dormer windows.
23/01135/LBCFlint Place, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JGProposed external render to the base of the house, to provide waterproofing to mitigate against future flooding.
23/01105/DOM132 Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7JUSingle storey side extension to detached double garage - (variation to Condition 3 of Planning Permission 23/00266/DOM to allow the permitted side extension to extend further back by 4m).
23/00369/LBC1 Malthouse Cottages, Batchmere Road, Almodington, PO20 7LDInternal works - digging out existing ground flooring replacing with Limecrete and limestone
23/00989/PA3Q130 Almodington Lane Almodington PO20 7JUflag and installation of underfloor wet heating system. Relocation of the kitchen. Removal of radiators
23/01047/FUL114 Second Avenue, Batchmere, PO20 7LFdownstairs and replacement of radiators upstairs. Replacement of bathroom suite. Relocating boiler to
23/00879/LATENCookscroft Bookers Lane Earnley PO20 7JGgarage.
23/00991/ADVManorfield Clappers Lane Earnley PO20 7JJ1 no. illuminated V-shaped free-standing hoarding sign.
23/00949/PA3R101C First Avenue, Almodington, Batchmere, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7LQNotification for Prior Approval for change of use of agricultural building to class E
23/00788/FULOutbuilding South Of 101 First Avenue, First Avenue, AlmodingtonConstruction of detached workshop building along with associated hard standing, fence and landscaping.
23/00879/DOMFlint Place, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JG4 no. timber sash replacement windows and reglazing (with FINEO glazing) on front elevation.
23/00880/LBCFlint Place, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JG4 no. timber sash replacement windows and reglazing (with FINEO glazing) on front elevation.
BI/23/0067/FULRussells Garden Centre Main Road Birdham14 no. dwellings (4 x affordable 10 x market), replacement commercial (class E) building, new and altered access and associated works.
SI/23/00635/HRAField East of Easton Farm Easton Lane SidleshamSiting of 20 no. mobile homes for occupation by seasonal farm workers - habitats regulations assessment.
23/00117/FULCheraw Nursery , 134 Almodington Lane, Almodington, PO20 7JRDemolision of 2 no. outbuildings and existing stables and erection of 1 no. dwelling
23/00407/DOMPippins, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JGSingle storey side extension, exterior remodelling, fenestration alterations, new bay windows, adjustments to main roof to include thermal upgrade with increased ridge height, dormers and new roof finish. New front porch.
23/00266/DOM132 Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7JUSingle storey side extension to detached double garage
23/00098/FUL114 Second Avenue, Almodington, PO20 7LFPrivate external swimming pool to be used in connection with 114 Second Avenue with associated fencing, air source heat pump and change of use of land.
23/00089/ELDBatchmere Lodge, 95 First Avenue, Almodington, PO20 7LQExisting lawful development certificate for the change of use of building to dwelling.
22/03003/DOMFlint Place , Bookers Lane, Earnley, West Sussex, PO20 7JGDraughtseal and repair 4 no. existing windows on front elevation alongside installation of
double glazing.
22/03004/LBCFlint Place Bookers Lane Earnley West Sussex PO20 7JGDraughtseal and repair 4 no. existing windows on front elevation alongside installation of double glazing.
22/02958/TCAThe Manor House , Clappers Lane, Earnley, West Sussex, PO20 7JLNotification of intention to fell 1 no. Poplar tree (quoted as T1). Crown reduce by up to 2m
(overall) on 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T2). Crown reduce on north sector by up 4m on 1 no. Turkey Oak
tree (quoted as T3). Remove 1 no. lowest branch on west sector and crown reduce remaining west sector
by up to 3m on 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T4)
22/02662/FULEarnley Place, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLDemolition of existing pavilion outbuilding and erection of 1 no. dwelling with basement, detached garage and swimming pool. New vehicular access and associated works
22/02843/FULEarnley Gardens, Almodington Lane, Almodington, PO20 7JRDemolition of existing property (buildings 1-13) and construction of 5 no. dwellings with ancillary garages. (Variation of condition 2 of permission 20/03289/FUL - Plots 1 and 4 garage size and layout altered)
22/02655/FUL137A Almodington Lane Almodington EarnleyDemolishment of existing barn and erection of 1 no. 3 bed dwelling - alternative to Class Q approval E/22/01424/PA3Q
22/02589/DOMSandalwood , Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7JXProposed two storey rear and first floor side extension and associated alterations
22/02360/DOMQuackers, 94 First Avenue, Almodington, Batchmere, PO20 7LQSingle storey ground floor extension and doors to dining room.
22/02539/DOMEarnley Place Clappers Lane EarnleyRemoval of existing single storey extension along east elevation. Construction of single storey extension on north elevation and 2 no. single storey lean-to extensions on east Elevation, replacement link, internal alterations and fenestration changes. Alteration and repairs to existing garden wall and painting of entrance gates.
22/02540/LBCEarnley Place Clappers Lane EarnleyRemoval of existing single storey extension along east elevation. Construction of single storey extension on north elevation and 2 no. single storey lean-to extensions on east Elevation, replacement link, internal alterations and fenestration changes. Alteration and repairs to existing garden wall and painting of entrance gates.
EWB/22/0244/FUL1 Maple Field South Of Tranjoeen Bracklesham Lane Bracklesham BayUse of land as a single private travelling showperson's site
22/02363/FULOutbuilding South Of 102 First Avenue, First Avenue, Almodington, PO20 7LQConstruction of detached workshop building along with associated hard standing, fence and landscaping
22/02085/FULBatchmere Workshops, First Avenue, Almodington,
PO20 7LQ
Change of use from Class E(g) to Class C3 (Dwellinghouse), demolition of an existing
building and erection of 2 no. new dwellings.
EWB/22/02214/FULEIAStubcroft Farm Stubcroft Lane East WitteringErection of 280 no. residential dwellings (including affordable housing), associated highway and landscape works, open space and flexible retail and community floorspace (Use Classes E and F).
22/02235/OUTEIALand at Stubcroft Farm Stubcroft Lane East Wittering PO20 8PJOutline application (with all matters reserved accept Access) for the construction of sheltered living accommodation.
22/01586/DOM138 Easton Lane, PO20 7JYSingle storey extension to front (east) elevation
https://publicaccess.chichester.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RH4JNIERKJP00Holdens Caravan Park Bracklesham Lane Bracklesham Use of permitted holiday caravans throughout the year, subject to their occupation being limited to holiday use only (Variation of conditions 3 and 4 from planning permission EWB/03/03266/COU - To enable caravans at pitches 26, 182, 393 and 518 to be occupied by staff in addition to Barnside caravan adjacent to office).
https://publicaccess.chichester.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RGABHPERJTV00Land South of Tranjoeen 1 The Paddock Bracklesham Lane BrackleshamProposed vehicle crossover (means of access to a highway Class B)
https://publicaccess.chichester.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RFBR2UERJ5A00The Manor House, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLNotification of intention to crown reduce by up to 4m to south, south-east and south-west sectors, reduce 1 no. limb by up to 4m on west sector (at 4m height) and crown lift by 2m (above building roof level) to east sector on 1 no. Holm Oak tree (T1), fell 4 no. Lombardy Poplar trees (T2, T3,T4 & T8), 5 no. Leylandii trees (T5 & G1), 1 no. Holm Oak tree (T6), 2 no. Hybrid Poplar trees (T7 & T9), 1 no. Elm tree (T7a), reduce 1 no. limb by up to 7m on west sector (at 3m height), reduce 1 no. limb by up to 7m on west sector, reduce remaining crown back to previous pruning points and mid/upper crown by 5m on east sector (at 4m height) on 1 no. Eucalyptus tree (T10) and height reduce by 5m, reduce by up to 4m on north sector, up to 5m on east sector and crown lift to 6m (above ground level) on north sector on 1 no. Lime tree (T11)
https://publicaccess.chichester.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RFU4VOERJI800Flint Place, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JGRear single storey extension, replacement conservatory and replacement garage. Internal alterations. Associated landscaping
https://publicaccess.chichester.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RFU4VMERJI700Flint Place, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JGRear single storey extension, replacement conservatory and replacement garage. Internal alterations. Associated landscaping
https://publicaccess.chichester.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RFZ7GXERJL900Hedgehog Hall, Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JDNotification of intention to crown reduce by 2m (all round) on 3 no. Oak trees (quoted as 1, 2 & 3).
https://publicaccess.chichester.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=REK02SERII20Field East Of Easton Farm Easton Lane Sidlesham Siting of 20 no. mobile homes for occupation by seasonal farm workers.
22/01810/FUL113 Second Avenue, Almodington, Earnley,PO20 7LFErection of garage and store.
22/01554/DOM101D First Avenue, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7LQSingle storey side extension.
22/01316/FULLand South of Tranjoeen 1 The Paddock Bracklesham Lane BrackleshamProposed vehicle crossover (means of access to a highway Class B).
22/01424/PA3Q137 Almodington Lane, Almodington, PO20 7JRProposed change of use of agricultural building from agriculture to 1 no. dwelling
22/01445/TCA Hedgehog Hall Bell Lane Earnley Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Alder tree (marked A).
22/01227/TCAEarnley Forge Bell Lane EarnleyNotification of intention to fell 1 no. Oak tree (T1) and 1 no. Weeping Willow tree (T3). Crown reduce (all round) by 5 m on 1 no. Oak tree (T2).
22/00923/LBCSparrow Cottage, Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7HZReplacement single/double glazed windows and doors
22/00922/DOMSparrow Cottage, Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7HZReplacement single/double glazed windows and doors
22/00921/LBCMill House Bell Lane Earnley PO20 7JDInternal alterations including replacement flooring in the living room, kitchen and bathroom; removal of cement render and replacement with lime; removal of modern timber decoration; two replacement wardrobes; new lighting.
22/00763/TCASomerley House Bell Lane Earnley PO20 7HZNotification of intention to reduce branches (overhanging) by 6m (southern sector) on 1 no. Willow tree.
22/00519/FULMedmerry Arms Medmerry Park Stoney Lane Earnley West Sussex PO20 7JPGround floor extension to northern elevation and replacement of window with door on western elevation.
22/00368/TCAThe Old Coach House Bell Lane Earnley Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Oak tree
22/00047/FULMedmerry Park Stoney Lane Earnley PO20 7JPUpgrade of 31 no. existing holiday bungalows located in blocks 1 - 4 including replacement cladding, windows and external timber decks, all with associated external landscape works.
22/00137/FULRuss Autos, 132A Almodington Lane, Almodington, PO20 7JUDemolition of B2 workshop and erection of 1 no. live/work unit.
22/00112/DOMBlackthorn Barn 101B First Avenue Almodington Earnley PO20 7LQRaise roof height by 1.55m to provide rooms in roof (resubmission of E/21/00118/DOM).
21/03593/FULLand South Of 101 First Avenue First Avenue AlmodingtonConstruction of permeable access track.
21/03437/DOMCherry Hinton Clappers Lane Earnley PO20 7JJDemolition of existing single storey rear extension and construction of replacement single storey rear extension forming annexe to existing house.
21/03572/TCAMill House Bell Lane Earnley PO20 7JDNotification of intention to fell 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (quoted as T1).
21/03658/DOMMill House , Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JDAddition of two roof lights on western roof slope of garage
21/03320/PLDGrange Farm, Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley, PO20
Proposed lawful developement - infilling of the attached open-fronted cart barn and various
alterations to property's fenestration.
21/03365/PNOHundredsteddle Farm Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7BLProposed grain and machinery store.
21/03315/LBCEarnley Grange , Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7JSSingle storey timber orangery
21/03314/DOMEarnley Grange , Almodington Lane, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7JSSingle storey timber orangery
21/03171/PLDThe Lodge Earnley Manor Close EarnleyProposed lawful development single storey conservatory extension to rear
21/03147/TCAChapel Cottage, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JGNotification of intention to reduce crown (all round) back to previous pruning points and
remove 1 no. lower branch (ref A) on 1 no. Oak tree (T1) and reduce crown (all round) back to previous pruning points on 1 no. and Willow tree (T2).
21/03093/DOMBlackthorn Barn, 101B First Avenue, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7LQRaise roof height by 1.8m to provide rooms in roof (resubmission of 21/00118/DOM)
21/03011/DOMWitsend Nursery Third Avenue AlmodingtonTwo storey side extension
21/02994/TCAMillfield Bell Lane BirdhamNotification of intention to fell 9 no. Poplar trees (T2, T13-T15, T25, T26, T28, T29 and T32), 1 no. Silver Birch tree (T4), 2 no. Horse Chestnut trees (T7 and T9), 1 no. Sweet Chestnut (T31) and 1 no. Field Maple (T33). Reduce height by 6m, remove 1 no. limb on south sector at 1.2m (above ground level) and remove 2 no. limbs on north-west sector at 4m and 5.5m (above ground level) on 1 no. Ash tree (T3). Crown reduce by 6m (all round), remove 1 no. limb on north-east sector at 2m (above ground level) and 1 no. limb on the south-west sector at 2.5m (above ground level) on 1 no. Ash tree (T5). Crown reduce by 5m (all round) and crown thin by 10% on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (T6). Crown reduce by 5m (all round) on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (T8). Reduce height by 5m on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (T10). Crown reduce by 5m (all round), remove 1 no. limb on north-west sector at 1.5m (above the ground) on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (T11). Remove 1 no. limb on south-west sector at 4m (above ground level) on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (T12). Crown reduce by 2m on 1 no. Viburnum tree (T16). Reduce limbs on the north-west sector by 4m on 1 no. Chestnut tree (T18). Reduce limbs on south-east sector by 4m on 1 no. Chestnut tree (T19). Re-pollard (back to previous pollard cuts/points) on 1 no. Willow tree (T20). Reduce height down to 4m on 1 no. Leyland Cypress tree (T21). Crown reduce by 2m on 1 no. Leyland Cypress tree (T22). Reduce heights down to 4.5m on 3 no. Poplar trees (T23, T24 and T27) and 1 no. Field Maple tree (T30). Reduce heights by 5-6m and crown thin by 20% on 2 no. Leyland Cypress trees (T34 and T35).
21/03002/DOMHighfields Farmhouse Somerley Lane EarnleySingle storey extensions and associated alterations. Alternative scheme to that approved under application 20/01532/DOM
21/02955/DOMMill House Bell Lane Earnley PO20 7JDProposal of garage building in black weatherboarding with a clay tiled roof to replace building which has collapsed. Renovation of existing garage including new roof, window and garage doors. Repairs to historic walls to help form an enclosure around an oil tank. Redecoration of outbuilding - Variation of Condition 2 of householder permission E/20/02814/DOM - amendments to the window designs.
21/02989/DOMThe Manor House, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLAlterations to form utility room and linking side door extension
21/02990/LBCThe Manor House, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLAlterations to form utility room and linking side door extension
21/01792/DOMPippins, Bookers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JGNew front porch, two storey side extension, exterior remodelling, adjustments to main roof to include thermal upgrade with increased ridge height, dormers and new roof finish.
21/02267/FULOutbuildings South Of 102A First Avenue First Avenue BatchmereReplacement workshop building along with associated hard standing (alternative scheme to that approved under application 21/00865/FUL).
21/02388/TCASandalwood, Manor Farm Barns, Clappers Lane, Earnley, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20
Notification of intention to crown reduce by 40% (back to previous pollard points) on 3 no.
Poplar trees (quoted as T1-T3). Pollard down to 9m (approx. 50%) on 3 no. Willow trees (quoted as T4-T6).
Crown reduce by 20% (approx. 3m) on 1 no. Poplar tree (T7).
21/02343/ELDTykes Farm Barn , Somerley Lane, Earnley, East Wittering, PO20 7JBExisting lawful development certificate for the insertion of various windows to facilitate two
additional bedrooms at first floor.
21/02109/PNO3RLand South Of 101/102 First Avenue First Avenue Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to a flexible use within Shops (Class A1), Financial and Professional Services (Class A2), Restaurants and Cafes (Class A3), Business (Class B1), Storage or Distribution (Class B8), Hotels (Class C1) or Assembly and Leisure (Class D2).
21/01830/OUTLand off Main Road BirdhamOutline planning application for up to 150 dwellings (including 30% affordable housing) with community park, public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point. All matters reserved except for means of access.
21/02175/TCAEarnley Place Clappers Lane Earnley PO20 7JLNotification of intention to reduce width on south sector by 1m. Reduce height by up to 2.5m to 1m above split in main stem. Reduce lateral spread of remaining crown by up to 2m. Reduce 1 no. east limb over outhouse and wall by up to 3m on 1 no. Mulberry tree (T1). Fell 1 no. Goat willow tree (T2), 1 no. Horse chestnut tree (T4) and 1 no. Ash leaf maple tree (T9). Insert 1 or 2 props in ground to allow stabilisation of tree on 1 no. Quince tree (T5). Crown reduce by up to 1m on (all round) on 1 no. Medlar Tree (T6). Reduce lateral spread on east sector by 1.5m on 1 no. Horse chestnut tree (T7). Crown lift sub-lateral branches (all round) to a height of up to 2.5m above ground level on 1 no. Blue Atlantic Cedar tree (T8). Crown thin by 15% on 1 no. Norway maple tree (T10). Crown thin by up to 20%. Crown lift over the east and north walls up to 1m above top of wall. Crown lift south sector over lawn only to 2m above ground level on 1 no. Ash leaf maple tree (T11).
21/01669/DOMThatched Cottage Somerley Lane Earnley PO20 7JBAmendments and extension to link building
21/01670/LBCThatched Cottage Somerley Lane Earnley PO20 7JBAmendments and extension to link building
21/00817/DOMMilburn Cottage, Clappers Lane, Earnley, P020 7JJRear and first floor extension.
21/00969/DOMEarnley Place Clappers Lane Earnley PO20 7JLErection of closeboard fence, retrospective
21/01850/DOMManor Farmhouse, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JLRemoval of existing conservatory and erection of replacement glazed garden room.
Installation of 2no. solar thermal panels to existing Southern roof face.
21/01283/DOMNapier House, First Avenue, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7LPErection of an oak framed garage and store extension to existing building with accommodation above
21/01171/DOMPigeon Mead House Earnley Manor Close Earnley PO20 7JQProposed single storey side extension to form annexe.
21/01376/OUTLand West Of Bracklesham Lane Bracklesham PO20 8SROutline Application (with all matter reserved accept Access) for the development of up to 65 no. dwellings and associated access, open space, ponds, footpath and cycleway.
21/01466/ELDTykes Farm Barn, Somerley Lane, Earnley, PO20 7JBErection of 2 no. outbuildings comprising of a garage and workshop
21/01426/LBCThe Hermitage, Batchmere Road, Almodington, PO20 7LDDemolition of existing timber garage, sheds and greenhouse and replacement with one
building combining all elements
21/01311/TCAEarnley Forge, Bell Lane, Earnley, PO20 7HZNotification of intention to remove eastern stem (leaning onto outbuilding) on 1 no. Lombardy
Poplar tree (quoted as T4)
21/00813FULPoplars Farmhouse Batchmere Road Almodington Earnley PO20 7LDInternal adaptations, fenestration changes and demolition of existing store and link structure , to be replaced with a glazed link extension.
21/00814/LBCPoplars Farmhouse Batchmere Road Almodington Earnley PO20 7LDInternal adaptations, fenestration changes and demolition of existing store and link structure , to be replaced with a glazed link extension.
21/00865/FULLand South Of 102A First Avenue, First Avenue, Almodington.Replacement workshop building (B1(c) use class) along with associated hard standing
21/01240/TCAHedgehog Hall Bell Lane Earnley PO20 7JDNotification of intention to prune by 3m and reduce crown by 3m on 1 no. Box Elder tree (quoted as 1), 1 no. Beech tree (quoted as 2) and 1 no. Chestnut tree (quoted as 3).
21/0119/FUL113 Second Avenue Almodington Earnley PO20 7LFErection of 2 no. 3 bed bungalows - alternative to planning permission - E/18/00578/FUL for change of use to 2 no. dwellings and external works.
21/00746/DOM102 First Avenue, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7LQFirst floor rear extension
EWB/21/0109/EIALand at Stubcroft Farm Wessex Avenue East Wittering EIA Screening Opinion in response to development of up to 320 no. residential dwellings along with public open space and new means of vehicular access onto Church Road.
WSCC/011/21Ford Circular Technology Park, Ford Road, Ford BN18 0XLDemolition of existing buildings and structures and construction and operation of an energy recovery facility and a waste sorting and transfer facility for treatment of municipal, commercial and industrial wastes, including ancillary buildings, structures, parking, hardstanding, and landscape works
21/00802/FULLittlebrook Nursery 94A First Avenue Almodington Batchmere Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LQStorage of 1 no. agricultural seasonal workers accommodation out of season
21/00801/FULLittlebrook Nursery 94A First Avenue Almodington Batchmere Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LQChange of use of land for storage of seasonal workers mobile home for periods outside of the agricultural season (Variation of condition 2 of planning permission E/16/00217/FUL - dates of no habitable occupation amended to be between 1st November and 31st December).
21/00548/FULRivendell , 101A First Avenue, Almodington, Earnley, PO20 7LQDemolition of existing agricultural building and erection of 1 no. 1 bed dwelling (inc solar
panels on roof) - alternative to Class Q approval E/20/02385/PA3Q. (resubmission of E/20/03285/FUL)
21/00118/DOMBlackthorn Barn 101B First Avenue Almodington EarnleyRaise roof height by 1.8m to provide rooms in roof
21/00213/FULAlmodington Nurseries Batchmere Road Almodington Earnley PO20 7LGProposed Change of Use of an existing agricultural building to 3 no. dwellinghouses (Use Class C3), and erection of pitched roof over flat roof lean-to part of building - Alternative to Part 3, Class Q Prior Approval E/17/01189/PA3Q - Variation of Condition 2 on planning permisison E/17/02910/FUL - to enable porches to be added to each front door amending approved drawing 5A to 5B.
20/03289/FULEarnley Gardens , Almodington Lane, Almodington, PO20 7JRDemolition of existing property (buildings 1-13) and construction of 5 no. dwellings with
ancillary garages and live/work accommodation
20/02866/FULLand West Of Earnley Concourse, Clappers Lane, Earnley, PO20
Change of use of land for the keeping of horses, creation of hard standing area to park a
horse box and cars. Remove existing horse shelter and replace with 3 no. stables, a hay barn and a tack
shed on a permanent base
20/02236/OUTEarnley Concourse Clappers Lane Earnley PO20 7JNDemolition of Earnley Concourse buildings, Elm Lodge and the Ranch House and replacement with residential development (Class C3) together with the retention of the facade of Gate Cottage and the change of use of Earnley Place from adult education centre (Class C2) to Class C3 residential use, with associated access (including the reinstatement of the original drive to Earnley Place), landscaping, open space and drainage infrastructure at land off Drove Lane, Earnley. All matters are reserved save for access.